Fun and Games,

So, after checking with the modeling agency before planning this shoot I was assured that they would be able to supply me with tween models. Therefore with this in mind i went ahead with the research  and planned  shoot details, and requested models almost 2 weeks in advance.

With the location booked, stylists arranged and everything planned for this Saturday morning i got slightly concerned that the agency still hadn’t forwarded me the booking form. several phonecalls and emails over the course of the week all met the same reply “yes that’s no problem, we have models, we will deal with it today”

This morning i sent another email and got no reply,  countless phone calls to the agency went straight to voicemail. by the time i got through to someone at 4pm i was once again told that they are still dealing with it and that TF shoots were usually last minute  and i was not to worry. however at 4.30 they sent me an email saying

“we haven’t yet heard back from the
potential models. Apologies for this, would you like to reschedule?”

how wonderful, i am  left with1 day to find replacements.

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